
Thank you for joining me on this journey. I feel that this is the best way to not only record this experience but to include everyone who would like to be included during this time. Feel free to read whatever you like, but do not feel obligated. You are welcome to post your comments, or to just follow along in private. This disease is not just mine. It effects everyone around me, so I hope that this will help all of us in some small way.

In love and light,

A Little Help For Navigating This Site..

April 2011 UPDATE: To just read the short Blog which is the beginning of this story, begin with the first entry called "The Beginning...". At the bottom of each page hit "Older post". When you reach the end of that week it takes you Home. From there, click the next week (on the Right side bar under "Labels"

Since I decided to abandon this blog after the first couple of weeks or so, everything is in it's roughest form and incomplete. However the main Blog entries from the beginning of this Journey are done and intact so I hope you enjoy. (When the book is done, there will be much more in the upcoming site).

The links above the Blog are not complete and in most cases not started BUT it does give a description of what will be there eventually.

If you have ANY questions at ALL, you can either leave a comment or email me at kharmaa9@yahoo.com.

April 13, 2010 Ultrasound Day: No Biggie, Right...?

I arrived at the Imaging department for my ultrasound at 9:00am. I went to this appointment alone (Mom had offered more than once to go with me and I just thought that was silly since we wouldn't understand the ultrasound and would just be sent home to wait anyways). I was ready for the whole..get undressed, lay here and stare at a screen full of weird black n white images, get dressed and your doc will call in a week or so. I was wrong (seems to be an ongoing theme).

The process wasn't near as cold as I expected. I chit chatted with the technician. I asked if, in her experience, this size of a mass (at that time aprox. 3.5cm) was considered pretty big. She told me she had seen bigger but that it was definitely a big one. I took that as a good sign since everyone 'knows' Cancer doesn't grow that fast (Right?!). As I watched the screen, she moved back toward my left armpit. There I saw another perfect oval. I asked her what that was, hoping it was some kind of gland...and she said it was just another little mass. When she was done, she told me I could get dressed and the Radiologist would be in to see me in just a few minutes to go over the results. (Wait, huh? I get to find out now?? Hmm...okay! Get this crap out of the way)!

And so the whirlwind begins.