This area will have many tips, tricks and advice that I hope will help on many levels.
Cancer can become a full time job. It effects us mentally and physically and sometimes even those days without appointments dont feel like your own. But there are MANY ways to combat that.
This will be a much more light hearted page full of ways to help you
"keep your sanity"! Whether it be how to feel productive when you dont...
or ways to express yourself and vent all of your frustrations (ETC!).
You will find Journaling advice, Craft Tutorials, and everything in between.
For many women, learning to just give themselves ME time can be
the most difficult lesson of all. And when you feel that you are no longer
in control of your own life, it helps to be reminded that you are most
definitely in control...and that there are ways to take advantage of
this 'time off' that you didn't ask for.
You can consider this your 'Trip to the spa'...
without ever leaving your house!