We all know how difficult it is to navigate the world of doctors, surgeons, insurance or financial aid it is in a normal situation. This section will be dedicated to helping you get the proper care. The last thing you need at a time like this is the horrible nightmare of trying to figure all of these things out on your own. Odds are you are walking around in a fog after your diagnosis. So some (but not all) of what you will find in this section is some help with questions and situations that we all go through during this time:
Ok...I have Cancer....what's next?
Finding an Oncologist
What questions to ask your Doctors
What does all of this mean ?
Translating 'Doc Talk to English'Talking to my Family / How to tell my children
How to get the most out of your appointments
Where can I get financial / Insurance help?
Will I be able to continue to work?
Will I need a Caregiver at home?
What other help is available?
What are my options?
What medications should I be requesting for these side effects?
How to deal with depression
Learning to care for yourself...and to let others care for you, too...And much more...
**Please note that I am not a doctor or licensed therapist and no advice or information that I give should take the place of the information give to you by those professionals. These are all subjects, questions and answers based on not just my own personal experience, but from countless hours of research, as well as speaking with other patients, to gather as much information as I possibly can to help you find your way through this maze.