
Thank you for joining me on this journey. I feel that this is the best way to not only record this experience but to include everyone who would like to be included during this time. Feel free to read whatever you like, but do not feel obligated. You are welcome to post your comments, or to just follow along in private. This disease is not just mine. It effects everyone around me, so I hope that this will help all of us in some small way.

In love and light,

A Little Help For Navigating This Site..

April 2011 UPDATE: To just read the short Blog which is the beginning of this story, begin with the first entry called "The Beginning...". At the bottom of each page hit "Older post". When you reach the end of that week it takes you Home. From there, click the next week (on the Right side bar under "Labels"

Since I decided to abandon this blog after the first couple of weeks or so, everything is in it's roughest form and incomplete. However the main Blog entries from the beginning of this Journey are done and intact so I hope you enjoy. (When the book is done, there will be much more in the upcoming site).

The links above the Blog are not complete and in most cases not started BUT it does give a description of what will be there eventually.

If you have ANY questions at ALL, you can either leave a comment or email me at kharmaa9@yahoo.com.

The Beginning: It's Probably Just a Cyst...

In around November 2009, I noticed a small (about the size of a marble) lump in my left breast. In December 2009 I had gone to the ER for an inner ear infection and brought this lump to the doctor's attention. Given the fact that it was pretty tender, unattached to the wall of the breast and fairly small, there wasn't much cause for alarm. I was advised to get a a mammogram when I could...
In January 2010 I received the wonderful news that Jon and I were expecting a baby! I made an appointment for the beginning of February with an OB Doc. Again I pointed out the lump and he agreed that it was likely not cause for alarm, and since X-Rays are a no-no during pregnancy he said we would just 'keep an eye on it'. I did a little research online, talked to a few friends and based on my symptoms the general consensus was it was probably just a benign cyst...how wrong I was...
By March the lump had at least doubled in size. Myself , my Mom and everyone around me were beginning to be pretty concerned. I decided to leave the care of that OB doctor and made an appointment with The Associated Physicians for Women through the Kadlec Clinic. My first real appointment with them was on April 6th, 2010. Julie Duran, (the PAC who works under Dr. Kevin Turner). She examined the lump and scheduled an ultra sound for Tuesday, April 13th. 

I was so happy that they were taking such great care of me there, and looked forward to the ultra sound. Of course it is a little nerve wracking, but I was pretty confident that it was just a rapidly growing cyst or maybe even an infected milk duct. I figured that my hormone overload was making it grow and feel so tender.